Face PRP

Face PRP Treatment Lahore

Platelet-rich plasma, abbreviated as PRP, is an advanced technique that utilizes a small amount of blood to restore the skin’s vitality. Artisan Aesthetics offers the best face PRP treatment in Lahore. Our cosmetologists take 30 ml. of blood from your arm with a syringe. Then, they separate the platelets from other blood constituents by centrifugation according to the density and collect the plasma with a high level of concentrated platelets for future use.


During face PRP treatment, the doctors apply platelet-rich plasma to the face and inject it into the skin with microneedles. The dermis absorbs the plasma. The injected plasma expands the cell proliferation rate, further leading to collagen growth in the treated area. Face PRP treatment imparts tight and smooth skin. It increases elastin concentration for diminishing the fine lines, thus bringing forth plump and radiant skin. The treatment lasts for more than two years.

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